Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Waiting Game

Yes, we are still waiting. Rich has gotten in to Franklin Pierce Law Center in New Hampshire with a sizable scholarship. He's also on the waiting list for the U of U law school. Now we just need 11 more responses....

.. nail-biting...


Megan said...

so exciting!

Julie said...

Sounds like a great start! Good Luck!!!

Julie in the studio said...

Is this an April Fools joke?

MarciK said...

No April Fools jokes here. The stress is real!

Bethany Gilson said...

Marci that is awesome! I found your blog off of Becky's Here is ours.
Come back to turbo kick I miss you!

Guymon Family said...

What! That is crazy...if you go to Franklin Pierce you will be in our ward. That would be great!

Sheffers said...

GREAT JOB!! I knew he could do it!